The curve is cut off all night long? Do these 3 yog asanas for good sleep

Every year June 21 is celebrated as International Yoga Day. This day was started by the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi. Yoga is very important in the life of any person. Through yoga we can make many changes in our body and also get rid of many ailments

Many people suffer from insomnia at night. Such people keep changing curves in bed all night. Sleep deprivation can have a negative effect on your body. Some people resort to sleeping pills but let me tell you that you can also get good sleep through yoga. Today we are going to tell you about some of the yogasanas that if you do before going to bed, you can get a good night’s sleep.

Shavasana- To do this, first take a yoga mat and lie on your back on it. Now spread your legs and keep a distance of at least 1-1.5 feet between them. If your hand is attached to your body, move both hands away from your body. Now let your body relax completely. Now inhale slowly and exhale slowly. Repeat this process for at least 5 to 10 minutes. Remember not to think about anything during this time and focus only on your yogasana. You can do this yoga pose every night before going to bed

Happy Baby Asana - To start practicing this asana, lie on your back. Inhale and exhale slowly. Exhale and bend your knees towards the chest, the soles of the feet should be towards the ceiling. Keep the hips close to the ground. Hold the soles of both feet inwards or outwards with both your hands. Now slowly spread the knees and bring them towards your armpit. Now, flex the legs and slowly rotate your body to one side and then to the other. During this time you can sound like a happy baby. Stay in this asana for some 30 seconds to 1 minute. Exhale and release your legs. Now lie on your back again.

Do the opposite asana (Viparita Karani Asana) - To do this asana, first lay a yoga mat on the floor and lie on your back on it. Keep both your arms and legs straight on the ground. Now slowly lift both the legs and keep your upper body on the floor. Raise both your legs to a 90 degree angle. You can fold a pillow or a blanket under your hips to relax. Make sure your back and head are resting on the floor. Close your eyes and in this position you stay for at least five minutes.

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