Today if we talk about Yoga, it is considered to be one of the most strong pillars of the health care system. Yoga is prevention for a lot of diseases. One of them is Acidity. Acidity is a digestive disease, it can be caused due to various causes like large meals, bedtime binge eating, unhealthy food patterns, untimely eating, obesity, various wrong postures after eating, heavy meals, snacking, carbonated drinks, chocolates, spicy food, coffee, excess of tea consumption, and all of these unhealthy lifestyles habits which can cause disturbance in our digestive system.
How can Yoga prevent acidity in our body?
Yoga activates or boosts a lot of body parts or different systems, one of them is our digestive system. This makes our system work better and more efficiently.
Shudhi kriya works the best for acidity, which consists of three integrated steps:
1. Kunjal: Kunjal is the process of washing the food pipe and cleansing the stomach
2. Agnisaar : Agnissar, functions as a great way to remove toxins from the body and enhance the immune system.
3. Uddiyana bandha: is a posture in which a segment of the body is sealed, isolated, or constricted in some manner. The abdominal organs all rise to a higher than normal position in the trunk, by a partial vacuum in the chest cavity.
Once the “Shuddhi-Kriya” is accomplished, one must attempt the four classified Pranayamas, namely Sheetali, Sheetkari, Bhramari, and Nari Shuddhi.

Anulom Vilom Pranayama
1.SHEETALI : This is a ‘cooling’ Asana, it also means calm and passionless. This pranayama, includes rolling of the tongue and deep breathing cools the mind and the body.
2.SHEETKARI : This type of pranayama involves breathing through the mouth. This is same as Python’s breathing.
3.BHRAMARI : Bhramari Pranayama or Bumblebee Breath is a calming breath practice that involves keeping hand on eyes and breathing that can be performed anywhere.
4.NADI SHUDDHI : this yog involves alternate nostril breathing, is an easy to do pranayama practice that has so many benefits when practiced consistently.
1.VAKRASANA: Half Spinal twist pose
How To Do: As you exhale keep squeezing your abdomen inside inhale open your chest exhale fold anatomy stay here for four to five breaths. Now inhale come to Center and release your hands up.
2.ARDHMATSYENDRA ASANA: Half Spinal Twist Pose (Sitting)
How To Do: Step the right foot over the left leg. And stand it on the floor outside your left hip. The right knee will point directly up at the ceiling exhale and twist toward the inside of the right thigh.
3.PAWANMUKTA ASANA (preferable): Wind-Relieving pose
How To Do: Lie flat on your back on a smooth surface, ensuring that your feet are together, and your arms are placed beside your body. Take a deep breath. As you exhale, bring your knees towards your chest, and press your thighs on your abdomen. Clasp your hands around your legs as if you are hugging your knees. Hold the asana while you breathe normally. Every time you exhale, make sure you tighten the grip of the hands on the upper shins , and increase the pressure on your chest. Every time you inhale, ensure that you loosen the grip. Exhale and release the pose after you rock and roll from side to side about three to five times. Relax.
4. PASHCHIMOTTAAN ASANA: Seated forward bend yoga pose
How To Do: And come down as you raise up you bring the hands in line with the years inhale extend the spine upwards exhale bring both the hands down it is set of paschimottanasana
5.DHANURASANA: is a backbending asana

Taapsee Pannu performing Dhanurasana
How To Do: First lie down on your stomach exam bend your knees and hold the ankles with your hands wide inhaling raise the thighs head.

How to Do: lie on your stomach with your forehead. And the tops of your feet against the mat your palms should be faced down and next to your chest your elbows bent and tucked close to your sides.
Advantages of the Shudhi kriya :
In severe cases of acidity, these asanas and pranayamas will help you to cure the problem in 15-20 days, when practiced regularly. A good amount of water consumption along with 7-8 hours of sleep is also required. Ill-eating habits must also be given up since it is the root cause of this problem. So pull out the roots and practice Yoga for prevention and you are all healthy and good to go.
Your home is your body,
By which you can enjoy your birth,
Take care of it.
Blog by Dr. Ankush Kaushik
Phd in Yoga & Meditation
Contact now for any related issues in body - 9654336005